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White Christmas: A Star Affaire
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Cowlitz County Event Center 


The PeaceHealth St. John Medical Center Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Tax ID #91-1538852) will be holding its signature gala event, A Star Affaire, on December 14, 2019, at the Cowlitz Regional Event Center. This event has raised more than $4.1 million dollars from our community, for our community. The evening will feature cocktails, dinner, live and silent auctions, live entertainment, and a variety of other activities to keep attendees captivated. Our goal for this year’s event is to raise a net amount of $175,000 for our Heart fund.

If you would like more information on this event, please do not hesitate to contact me at 360-414-7900 or email to cbarr@peacehealth.org.

Thank you for your consideration.


Cathy Barr, CFRE
Executive Director
PeaceHealth St. John Medical Center Foundation


Board of Directors 2019 - 2020

Beth Laufer, President
Joel Hanson, Vice President
Chris Searing, Treasurer
PJ Peterson, MD, Secretary

Judy Allen
Craig Anneberg
Bill  Boehm
Gerrie Booth, Emeritus
Eric Brudi
Janice Carter
R. Michael Carter
Bill Cheslock, OD
Don Cianci
Sister Francena Dodd, Emeritus
Jackie Evans, Emeritus
Sharon Gibb
Sister Anne Hayes
Arleen Hubble
Savan Kong
Cal Lantz
Angie Leppert
Bill  Marcum
Kathleen McCool
David Minthorn
Tom Renaud
Don Rodman, Emeritus
Doug Stafford
Lillian Stoneking